SL Invoiced Island Order Site |
Welcome to the special orders invoicing website for purchasing land in Second Life. This site is designed to meet the unique needs of businesses, institutions, young Residents, and nonprofit organizations only. Invoicing terms are not available for individuals.
Special Invoicing Eligibility
Looking to buy land but not sure if you're in the right place? Take a look at the following categories. If your organization falls into one of them, you're eligible to buy land through this site.
1. Your organization must be recognized as a nonprofit or educational institution. Your status as a nonprofit or educational institution does require verification. What type of verification is needed? - Eligible educational institutions must have government recognition.
- Eligible nonprofits must be able to provide documentation to prove their status. US-based nonprofits must have a 501(c)3 designation. Nonprofits based outside the US must have an official nonprofit designation recognized by the government in which the organization is based.
- Required documentation must be sent electronically to nonprofit@lindenlab.com.
2. Your organization would like to set up invoicing for payments by wire transfer, check, or credit card. This is specifically for business entities that require a formal invoice and receipt or a purchase order process. (You won't need the PO# at the time you make your order on this site.) To set up invoicing, please send your forms and requests for vendor information to nonprofit@lindenlab.com. Be sure to reference your customer name and sales order number in the request.
3. You are between the ages of sixteen and eighteen (16 and 18) and would like to set up invoicing for your land purchase (this requires parental/guardian approval if under 18). Please note: Residents under the age of eighteen (18) are not able to purchase Linden Homes at this time. If your organization does not fall within these categories, please place your order through the Land Store. For more information about your invoicing options, please see our Knowledge Base article.
FOR CURRENT CUSTOMERS: If you are a customer who is currently invoiced by Linden Lab, you can renew your island(s) and continue to receive invoices. There is no minimum purchase requirement. Payment and Ordering Options
Before you place your order through this website, please read and note the following terms.
- You must set up the Secondlife.com avatar account that will own the island before submitting the order.
- All orders placed through this form require payment of maintenance fees in advance. You may choose a 6-month or 12-month billing cycle during the ordering process. These fees will be automatically added to your order.
- Purchase of a Homestead and/or Open Space region is only permitted for customers that already own an invoiced private island. If no current records of an invoiced private island are on file with your account, your purchase requests for Open Space or Homestead regions will be canceled.
- Invoices are sent upon delivery of your land.
- Our invoicing system is separate from your Secondlife.com avatar account. We do not accept PayPal as payment for invoiced orders.
- We can only invoice for land purchases, land maintenance fees, and bulk Linden Dollar (L$) purchases. All other fees and charges must be handled through your Secondlife.com avatar account.
If you do not wish to follow these terms, please place your order through the Land Store.
Approval and Delivery Process
To ensure that your purchase request is processed promptly, please be sure to take care of the following: 1. Sign up for a Secondlife.com avatar account before submitting your island purchase request. 2. Choose an island name that follows the Official Guidelines. 3. Check to make sure your contact information is consistent with the contact information on your Secondlife.com avatar account. 4. If documentation is required, such as proof of nonprofit status, please be sure to include it with your purchase request.
What can you expect after you submit your order? You will receive a confirmation email and your order will go into the approval queue. If you've provided everything we need, approvals generally take approximately five to ten (5-10) business days (Monday-Friday). Otherwise, we'll send you a request for additional information.
Once the order is approved, you'll receive an email notification and the order will go into the delivery queue. From there, the process takes approximately 10 business days. Once the island has been delivered, we'll send you a delivery email notification and we'll send the invoice, which is due in 30 days from the delivery date. All payment instructions will be outlined in the approval email, on the invoice itself, and are also available in our Knowledge Base.